Documentation Distribution Sphere


Documentation Distribution Sphere

This sphere is great at finding what documents went where and were sent by whom. There are many options on how to identify documents and is primarily based on the clinical_event table. Search by Note Type, Personnel or Patient. Note Event date range. Action or Request Date, Forward Date, Action Date. Document Type, Action Status, Action Type.

This report also lets you filter by scanned document type.


Documentation Distribution Sphere

This sphere is great at finding what documents went where and were sent by whom. There are many options on how to identify documents and is primarily based on the clinical_event table. Search by Note Type, Personnel or Patient. Note Event date range. Action or Request Date, Forward Date, Action Date. Document Type, Action Status, Action Type.

This report also lets you filter by scanned document type.

10 hours of customization is included with every sphere.  Cerner is highly configurable and this way you can be sure to have the report customized to your organization(s).

After your purchase, we will contact you to setup the customization and work with you to have your report(s) setup as desired.

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