Encounters Sphere


Encounters Sphere

This sphere lets you view encounters in a variety of ways. This sphere is based on the Encounter table.  It is particularily useful when you want to find out about how many encounters were at a particular location or when an encounter was of a certain type.

This report allows users to view the number of admitted or discharged encounters for a particular location within a defined time period. An additional filter can be applied to view completed document types.


Encounters Sphere

This sphere lets you view encounters in a variety of ways. This sphere is based on the Encounter table.  It is particularly useful when you want to find out about how many encounters were at a particular location or when an encounter was of a certain type.

This report allows users to view the number of admitted or discharged encounters for a particular location within a defined time period. An additional filter can be applied to view completed document types.

10 hours of customization is included with every sphere.  Cerner is highly configurable and this way you can be sure to have the report customized to your organization(s).

After your purchase, we will contact you to setup the customization and work with you to have it setup as desired.

Additional information


Encounter, Encntr_loc_hist


Facility, Nurse Unit, Patient Name, Birth Date, Age, Gender, MRN, Encntr Nbr, Encntr Type, Registration Dt Tm, Discharge Dt Tm, LOS Days, LOS Nbr, Medical Service, Team Name, Admit Provider, Attend Provider, ED Provider, Process Alerts, Disease Alerts, Diagnosis, Problems, Status Resuscitation, Status Perioperative, Status During Chemo, Status Orig Order Dt Tm, Status Discontinue Dt Tmy, Isolation Ordered, Isolation Order Dt Tm, Isolation Nurse Review Dt Tm, Clinic, Note Type, Note Title, Note Status, Contributor Source, Event End Dt Tm, Verified Dt Tm, Verified By, Verified by Physician Y/N, event_id, encntr_id, person_id