HL7 Foreign System Integration (FSI) Message Parsing

HL7 Foreign System Integration (FSI) Message Parsing

Did you need to send out your esi error logs? We have a library that can help. It will take a look at your messages in raw form, be able to simply parse out which pieces of the message you want (eg, MSH.4) and the report will automatically add the column.  The libary will let you send an excel document with the columns specified simple and easy. Contact us how we can help you today!



HL7 Foreign System Integration (FSI) Message Parsing

Did you need to send out your esi error logs? We have a library that can help. It will take a look at your messages in raw form, be able to simply parse out which pieces of the message you want (eg, MSH.4) and the report will automatically add the column.  The libary will let you send an excel document with the columns specified simple and easy. Contact us how we can help you today!